Shortened Question: Should loan be repaid at original conversion rate of exchange or at current conversion rate of exchange? Question:…
Shortened Question: How will the wife be able to get khula? Question: Husband and wife have been separated for about…
Shortened Question: Is it permissible in Islam to engage in sales calls for a program which aims to provide affordable…
Shortened Question: Am I in a Halal or a Haram Relationship? Question: Asalam Alaykum how are you doing? Dear Imam…
Shortened Question: Am I in a Halal or a Haram Relationship? Question: Asalam Alaykum how are you doing? Dear Imam…
Shortened Question: Is Having A Breast Surgery Haram? Question: Hello! I want to ask if having a breast surgery is…
Shortened Question: Can Ibecome a nail technician for Muslim as well as non-Muslim women? Question: As Salaamu…
Shortened Question: Is there relaxation for women taking shower after intercourse? Question: Assalam-o-Alaikum Wr Wb, My Wife has complicated hair…
Shortened Question: My parents went to my cousin’s house with a proposal, Her parents telephoned accepting the proposal and also…
Shortened Question: What is the ruling of taking pictures? Question: What is the ruling on taking pictures? Is it haram?…