Category Archives: Marital Issues
Regarding Khula

Shortened Question: How will the wife be able to get khula? Question: Husband and wife have been separated for about…

Kufr Oaths And Conditions In The Mind

Shortened Question: Am I in a Halal or a Haram Relationship? Question:   Asalam Alaykum how are you doing? Dear Imam…

Are We Having A Haram Relationship

Shortened Question: Am I in a Halal or a Haram Relationship? Question:   Asalam Alaykum how are you doing? Dear Imam…

Breast Lift

Shortened Question: Is Having A Breast Surgery Haram? Question:   Hello! I want to ask if having a breast surgery is…

Should I Have More Children

Shortened Question: Should I have more children in this time of Fitnah? Question: Asalaam alaykum, Alhumdulliah Allah swt has blessed me…

Women Wetting Complicated Head Hair

Shortened Question: Is there relaxation for women taking shower after intercourse? Question: Assalam-o-Alaikum Wr Wb, My Wife has complicated hair…

Should I Give My Wife Talaq

Question: Should I give my wife Talaq? Shortened Question: My wife is continuous in Zikr reciting “Ya Jabar”. Should I…

Friend who likes Cousin

Shortened Question: What advice should I give to my friend who likes her cousin? Question: Asalaamualaikum! Can I first please…


Shortened Question: I would like to know if the person that I got engaged to 4 months is a suitable…


Shortened Question: Is polygamous marriage a sign of strong Īman? Question: Assalamu Alaikum I wanted to know whether or not…

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