Sadaqah in Bank

Shortened Question: Can monies collected for sadaqah/charity be deposited in a bank before distribution? Question: Assalam alaikum; Can sadaqah/charity money…

Period of Breastfeeding

Shortened Question: What is the period of breastfeeding? Question: Assalamu alaikum, After a baby, how many years gap should be…

Is it Kufr to read oath to obtain my US Citizenship?

Question: I have emigrated from an arab muslim country to US and lived there for almost 20 years. I became…

Who Answers Question?

Shortened Question: Does it matter who answers the question from Fatwa Department? Question: I submitted my question to Fatwa Dept….

Jannat at Feet of Mothers

Shortened Question: Does Jannat lies at the feet of all mothers? Question: Does Jannat lies at the feet of every…

Friend who likes Cousin

Shortened Question: What advice should I give to my friend who likes her cousin? Question: Asalaamualaikum! Can I first please…


Shortened Question: I would like to know if the person that I got engaged to 4 months is a suitable…

Mother’s Disapproval
Fear of Death

Shortened Question: How do I get love for the Aakhirat? How much fear of death is healthy? Question: Assalamu alaikum,…

Deeni and Dunyawi Knowledge

Shortened Question: Importance of Deeni (religious) and Dunyawi (worldly) knowledge. Question: Assalaamu AlaykumIn the current age explain from a Shari’…

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